Clear Your Path To Success with Todd Palmer

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Todd Palmer about finding the difference between making a living and making a life. Todd Palmer is the Chief Rulebreaker. He is the guy who exists to improve lives. The leader who knows that you only learn by leaning into the uncomfortable, and away from the comfortable. The confident personality who lives ATV (Authenticity-Transparency-Vulnerability) all day, every day. He's the amateur baseball player who knows you are successful by failing 7 out of 10 times. The adventurer who walks with cheetahs in Africa. The CEO who will walk the path with you. The recruiter who knows that the best anyone will ever be is on a first interview (or first date). The facilitator who calls out the Pink Elephant in the room. The Life-Long Learner who will help you continue to grow yourself and your business.

Check out the latest Elite Expert Insider Podcast episode!
