Erectile Dysfunction, Regenerative Cell and PRP Therapy with Anne Truong, M.D.

Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson speak with Anne Truong, M.D. about Regenerative Cell and PRP Therapy and Erectile Dysfunction. Joint pain can be the result of a number of conditions, such as an injury or arthritis. Many patients with joint pain are likely to use medication or surgery. However, there is a groundbreaking treatment available that is natural, non-surgical, and requires very little downtime.
Anne N. Truong, M.D. is the sole founder and owner of Truong Rehabilitation Center. Dr. Truong has extensive experience in the non-operative management of musculoskeletal injuries using state-of-the-art techniques such as Trigger Point injections and Regenerative Therapies, ultra-sound-guided injections to joints and muscles, medical acupuncture and osteopathic manipulation. She has been doing regenerative cell therapy since 2006, also has taught numerous doctors all over the world on regenerative medicine. Her approach is to decrease pain and to restore strength and function without medications and/or surgery. Once pain reduction is achieved, she prescribes a personal wellness exercise program for patients. Drawing upon her many areas of experience and expertise, as well as the capabilities of her allied health staff, Dr. Truong is able to deliver individualized treatment for each patient.

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