What Makes A Great CEO With Todd Uterstaedt

Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Todd Uterstaedt about the secrets to becoming a founder to a CEO.

Todd Uterstaedt is SUPER passionate about helping you level up your leadership and scale up your startup. If you've ever struggled with building your team, creating an amazing culture, managing your investors, and growing your leadership abilities...then this is THE place for you.

You may not have the exact skills, may not have all the right knowledge, and probably don’t have the perfect ex-periences to get your startup where you know it can go. However, you’ve worked your tail off. You’ve come a long way. You’ve experienced the intoxicating feeling of initial success...as well as the enlightened realization that you just can’t do it by yourself any more.
The shift from Founder to CEO is the inflection point where most startup CEOs pilot their fragile enterprise to new heights, or crash and burn in the valley of despair

We share the real, authentic stories of Founding CEOs like you, develop practical development resources designed for your accelerated growth, host events that strengthen your mind and inspire your spirit, and invite you to a growing community of like-minded Startup CEOs so you can learn to lead while you build your company. We help you scale your company, by building the confident CEO inside of you.

Check out the latest Elite Expert Insider Podcast episode!
