Illens Dort

Illens Dort is a passionate and dynamic speaker who keeps his audience engaged whether it is a small group of 30 or a large group of over 1000. Illens is the founder and founding CEO of International Aid Serving Kids, and a Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses scholar. He is also the founder and CEO of HumanEkdromi, a company that focuses on humanitarian excursions, corporate training, and executive retreats. Illens is also a member of The JOHN MAXWELL Team.
In a world where minds and hearts continually search for hope and enlightenment, Illens Dort offers a treasury of short aphorisms to inspire, encourage, and motivate. His core momentum of creativity is energized with this goal in mind: “What can I offer that is unique, distinctive, and inimitable for the audience to which I am reaching out?” What he produces is a wealth of brief gems that open one’s vision to the higher values of life and personal connectedness with those we love. 

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